You have made supporting people in need in Tulare County a priority in your lifetime. Continue that legacy with a gift in your will or estate plans that will provide nutritious food & education in Tulare County for years to come.

By feeding the families of tomorrow, you can help FoodLink for Tulare County break the cycle of poverty because hungry children struggle in school, and without a proper education a child is likely to remain in poverty throughout their lifetime.

Your legacy gift will put food on the table and help families move forward so children can focus on learning and their parents can focus on earning.

To learn more please contact Cassandra Pownell


Bequests: Wills or Revocable Living Trusts
  • If you would like to leave a meaningful legacy, you can do so by remembering FoodLink for Tulare County in your will or revocable trust. Help nourish your neighbors into the future without impacting your finances during your lifetime.
Life Insurance
  • Designating the FoodLink for Tulare County as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy may enable you to enjoy some great tax benefits. In order to deduct premium payments as charitable deductions, the donor must name the FoodLink for Tulare County as both owner and beneficiary of the policy. Talk to your accountant today!
Retirement Plan Assets
  • You can designate FoodLink for Tulare County as a tax-free beneficiary of the remainder of your IRA, Keogh, tax-sheltered annuity, qualified pension or profit-sharing plan. A charitable gift of the remainder of retirement plan assets is normally deductible from the donor’s estate.

Help Us Honor Your Legacy

We encourage you to seek professional advice for all questions pertaining to your personal philanthropic endeavors. Use of any information from this site is for general philanthropic opportunity purposes only and does not represent tax, investment, accounting, or legal advice either expressed or implied.